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ELC121 Week 10

4 to 7 June 2020



1) ROLE PLAY PRACTICE: Together with your partner(s), contact your lecturer via WhatsApp Video Chat for a 15-minute role play speaking practice at least ONCE this week.

(download marking scheme rubrics)

(get past year papers)


2) READING TASK PAST YEAR PAPER PRACTICE - First, click the ELC121 Reading Task Papers button to get to the Past Year Papers page. Then, scroll the page until you find ELC121 Reading Task September 2015. Write your answers either on paper or in a Word document. Next, mark your answers using the answer key provided using a different colour (scroll further down to find the answer key for September 2015). Lastly, take photos of your marked answers and send them to your lecturer.

Week 10 & 11: News

ELC121 Week 11

8 to 14 June 2020





2) READING TASK PAST YEAR PAPER PRACTICE - First, click the ELC121 Reading Task Papers button to get to the Past Year Papers page. Then, scroll the page until you find ELC121 Reading Task December 2019 Set 2 & ELC121 Reading Task December 2018 Set 1. Write your answers either on paper or in a Word document for each test. Next, mark your answers for each test using the answer key provided using a different colour (scroll further down to find the answer key for both test sets). Lastly, take photos of your marked answers and send them to your lecturer.


*** Preparation for Listening Test (20%) & Reading Task (40%) on Week 13 - By following the guidelines above, keep on doing the remaining past year papers for both tests.

Week 10 & 11: News

ELC231 Week 10 & Week 11

4 to 14 June 2020





2) MOVIE COMMENTARY (25%) - Record your 5 to 7-minute movie commentary video. Make sure you insert your movie poster (either by editing the picture in or by presenting while holding the poster). Send your video to your lecturer by the end of Week 11.

(download scoring rubrics)


3) EVALUATIVE COMMENTARY (30%) - Together with your partner(s), in a Microsoft Word document, write your 450-word essay based on all the information on previous weekly tasks (Week 7, 8 & 9) and given handout. Send your first draft to your lecturer by the end of Week 11.

(download scoring rubrics)

(download cover page)


*** Submission of Evaluative Commentary Assignment (30%) - After your lecturer has checked your first draft, edit based on what is being commented and repeat the process until you are satisfied. Submit your final draft to your lecturer by the end of Week 13.

Week 10 & 11: News

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